November 2017 Newsletter

We need You!

All you supporters can make a positive impact at the Regional District’s Rezoning Hearing for our 688 Harper Rd. property on Monday, November 6. at 7 pm at the Community Centre.

QI Senior Housing’s architectural design team will answer questions from the SRD’s representatives and the Quadra community about our request to rezone the property from Residential One to Village Centre Residential One. This designation change, which is required under the Quathiaski Cove Village Plan, will allow our Society to build a one-storey affordable supportive-housing facility – with 15 suites for low-to-moderate-income singles and couples and 1 suite for a live-in caretaker. While we think our proposed development meets the terms of the Q Cove OCP, your resounding approval counts, big-time!

If you can’t attend, please send a written submission of support by email or hand-deliver it before Nov. 6 noon to the SRD office at 301-990 Cedar St., Campbell River. Your letter, email can be addressed to:

Karin Albert, Parks and Planning Supervisor
Strathcona Regional District
301 – 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River, BC, V9W7Z8

Please include your full name, municipal street address and mailing address. A hand written signature is not required on the email.

Just note that you are writing in support of BYLAW No. 286 – Quadra Island Zoning Bylaw, 1990, Amendment No. 118

If you like, you can add your comments about why you think the QI Seniors Housing proposal to build the 16-unit affordable seniors housing facility is a good use of this property and that it should be rezoned from R-1 to VCR-1.

Thanks very much for your support! – Maureen McDowell for QI Seniors Housing Society

If rezoning is approved and BC Housing criteria are met, BCH will okay the next phase of financing for the project. Our Board and consultants can then finalize the design for the building, suites and landscaping and apply to the SRD for a Development Permit. With that DP approval BCH will then allow us to tender constructions bids and will advance the construction funds on the $3+ million project.

Right now we are ‘crunching numbers’ very hard to decrease our construction costs and increase our fund-raising. Community cash and in-kind donations of materials, equipment, labour and skills will help determine the project’s ‘bottom-line’, since QISHS must repay BC Housing funding through a mortgage. Community donations made now and throughout the construction in 2018 will help reduce our final mortgage and keep rent low.
To make an In-kind donation during construction or after for landscaping and amenities, please contact Betty Doak now so we can quantify that in our cost-of-construction estimate. 285-3590;

To make a Cash donation, send a cheque payable to QISHS to Box 535, Quathiaski Cove, BC, V0P1N0. Or donate online at just click on the ‘Donate’ button to pay by Credit Card using PayPal. Or email to arrange an online Interac transfer. Charitable Tax Receipts are available – just include your name and mailing address.

QISHS Housing applications are available on our website or by calling Maureen 285-2221 or Betty 285-3590, or from Quadra Circle’s office by Quadra Medical Clinic, Wed. – Fri., 11 am to 3 pm.